Karla Organist
Karla Organist
Senior Project Manager, CEcD
Karla Organist
Senior Project Manager, CEcD
As Senior Project Manager at IDM, Karla assists communities, economic development organizations, and other nonprofits with strategic planning at varying levels of focus including community or region-wide planning, organizational planning, and workforce planning. She has additional responsibilities as assistant director for the Heartland Economic Development Course. Karla has previous work experience in economic development; comprehensive, housing, hazard mitigation and transportation planning; entrepreneurship; and business consulting and financial training for childcare businesses. Karla is a Certified Economic Developer (CEcD) and holds a Master’s Degree in Community Development. She is a member of Professional Developers of Iowa (PDI), the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) and is a board member for the National Rural Economic Developers Association (NREDA), currently serving as 2nd Vice President.