Helping Decision-Makers

The Institute for Decision Making (IDM) is the economic development arm of UNI Business and Community Services. For nearly four decades, IDM has been delivering tailored and innovative planning, technical assistance, applied research and training to Iowans concerned about their community’s economic vitality. IDM proudly serves over 850 communities, non-profits and economic development groups throughout Iowa and beyond.
Our Mission…
IDM provides Iowans with the knowledge, tools, and guidance to take organized community and economic development action to improve their communities.
Our Vision…
IDM is a visionary, valued, and versatile partner and leader in Iowa’s pursuit for economic growth and strong communities. IDM is well known for adapting to trends and innovations and for elevating the standards in development practices.
The Difference…
In order to deliver effective and results-oriented services to Iowa’s communities, IDM’s staff members utilize their advanced training and education in applied development fields with their practical and extensive professional experience. The result is an implementation-focused approach.
IDM’s services are based on a proven approach which utilizes efficient group decision methods in order to maximize the value of staff and volunteers’ time.
IDM is a program within UNI's Business & Community Services (BCS)
IDM sends out quarterly newsletters with insights, information and opportunities for economic development decision-makers in Iowa and beyond. Don't miss out—subscribe today!